Friday, 20 March 2015

Star Writers

We have a bunch of creative writers in Marama. One of our writing groups was given the following image to write about.

Here are the beginnings of a story from some of our budding authors:


One day I went diving with my cousin Mathew. I swam ahead and as I turned back and I heard a little yell, "Bruno!"

I saw a whale shark. "Am I seeing things?" I wiped my eyes. "No I am not seeing things!"

I swam to an island..........

Friday, 6 March 2015

Moutere Hills Swim Fun Day

Well done to Jack and Brooke for representing Upper Moutere School in the fastest girl and fastest boy freestyle and backstroke races.

Congratulations to Brooke who was placed within the top 3 in her freestyle race and Jack who placed in the top 3 within both his freestyle and backstroke races. You made us all so proud. What little champions you both are!

Making Connections with our Buddies

We had a pool party on Monday to make connections with our buddies in Ramaroa 6. Here are some of our Comic Life posters we made about the afternoon.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Making Connections at Ruby Bay

A great day was had by all as we explored the many and varied sea life in the rock pools at Ruby Bay. This day would not have been possible without the help of our incredible parents. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Watch this space for further postings from the children.


Our triathlon was a huge success. Radiant smiles beamed just as bright as the sun's rays that day.
The children participated enthusiastically, showed endurance and pushed their boundaries, completing the course to the applause of the awaiting crowd. What a great event!

Congratulations to everyone, especially our place getters listed below:

5 year old girls
1st  Mazzy
2nd Emma H
3rd  Jess P
5 year old boys
1st Morgan
2nd Jacob
3rd Mosty
6 year old girls
1st  Evie L
2nd Amelia
6 year old boys
1st  Finyas
2nd Isaiah
3rd  Costa
7 year old boys
1st  Alex
2nd Aiden