Monday, 22 June 2015

We Can Animate

Here is the poem we were learning last week. Rachael taught us how to use the app 'I Can Animate' and then we practised making an animation using cars. Rachael talked to us about how we could improve our animation and then asked us to animate the following poem. Louie helped us as well.

By Jacob and Morgan

Matariki Night

Our Matariki night was fun. We came to school in the dark and saw lots of our lanterns lighting up the path to our class. Lots of our parents came and we sang them some songs and then showed them our slideshow about Matariki.

We then made some biscuits and a star and had some hot chocolate with marshmallows in. We also played some string games. Matariki night was fun, I wish I could go back to school in the dark.

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What is Matariki?

Here is a short movie we made to explain our learning around Matariki.